Sat, Oct 12 - Sun, Oct 13, 2024

Fall 2024 Autocross at Expo

Expo Idaho West Lot

About this event


Join Silver Sage Porsche Club of America for our fall Autocross at Expo Idaho.  


Porsche Boise



Idaho Floor Supply


New to Autocross?  Read all about Autocross and our Driver's Education (DE) activities by visiting the region website here.

Event requirements


Early registration is reserved for SSPCA members but we will open it up to our friends at SCCA shortly.  

For Porsche vehicles: We will continue to use our car classification method adopted last year.  A car classification spreadsheet is available here (save the file and open in Excel). Use it before or while registering for the event.  We also have an "As delivered" version of the spreadsheet here and it is a good starting point if your car is mostly stock. Use the "Have questions" link on the left side of the menu or the Contact button at the bottom if you have questions on how to complete that process. We give a few prizes out each day and accumulate PAX points for the season for end of year awards.

For non-Porsche cars, classify your car using this link: SCCA Solo Classification Assistant (

Helmets are required.  Approved helmets include the current Snell SA, K, or M approval 2020 or the previous two, 2015, 2010. Other certifications are also allowed such as FIA, SAI, etc. Note that DOT approvals are not allowed (i.e. motorcycle DOT helmets).  We may be able to provide loaner helmets for this event. If you would like to drive and need to borrow a helmet, please email Craig Doty and let me know. 

Tech inspection will be completed at check in using this form. To speed check-in, print, complete and bring the completed form to the event. Spot checks of items, particularly your helmet will be performed at check in.  The paddock will be under the three sided wood structure due north of the racetrack.

PCA liability waiver needs to be signed.  Download, complete and bring with your completed tech sheet:  


This event has the standard PCA liability insurance.

Note:  PCA rules prohibit passengers other than an instructor in the car.

You will have a work assignment during the day when you are not driving (great opportunity to watch others work their way around the course).  Work assignments include corner marshals, starter, timing, and paddock/crowd control, ETC. Plan on being there the whole day.


Expo Idaho West Lot

Garden City, ID


Autocross/Solo organized by

PCA - Silver Sage

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Event over!