About this event
Green Mountain Region’s LeMans 2025 Rally
On Saturday, June 14 join your fellow GMR members as we gather for a fun-filled day of LeMans watching and the GMR Gimmick Rally
The day will begin at Apple Hill Farm in Rochester where members Peter Rogal & Laurie Nash who have graciously agreed to host us as we watch the start of the 2025 24 Hours of Le Mans (10am EDT/4pm CET). Around 11am we will open check-in for the Gimmick Rally and a review the rally details and rules. Cars will then embark on the rally route with a gap of 60 - 90 seconds between cars. The course will begin and end at Apple Hill Farm and take participants over the Rochester and Middlebury Gaps. Driving time is expected to be about 75 minutes. The objective of the “Gimmick” is to correctly record and tabulate all the speed limit and speed advisory signs, along with their numerical value, that you pass on the route. For example: if you pass three “35mph ”, three “45mph” and four “50mph” signs, you will have passed a total of ten speed limit signs with a total positive value of 440. A few tweaks and the final scoring details will be shared at the rally check-in.
All Porsche vehicles (Sports/SUVs/4 Door) are welcome but each vehicle must have at a minimum a driver as well as a navigator/passenger. The only limit to vehicle occupants is the number of seatbelts. Each occupant must have signed the requisite PCA Waiver form and the vehicle must be insured pursuant to Vermont law.
Event requirements
All Porsche vehicles (Sports/SUVs/4 Door) are welcome but each vehicle must have at a minimum a driver as well as a navigator/passenger. The only limit to vehicle occupants is the number of seatbelts. Each occupant must have signed the requisite PCA Waiver form and the vehicle must be insured pursuant to Vermont law.