About this event
The 2025 PCA Golden Gate Region Track Series
HPDE 2 / TT 2 / Club Race 2
April 26-27, 2025
Thunderhill Raceway East Course - Willows, California
Join PCA-GGR for its second HPDE and Time Trial of the 2025 season at Thunderhill Raceway's tried and true east course!
PCA-GGR's Driver Education events are focused on safety, fun and maximum track time.
First Time Driving With GGR?
Welcome! We will categorize those drivers driving with us for the first time as either Guest/Cleared to Solo, or Student.
- Guest/Cleared to Solo Drivers: Please register as a Guest Driver if you have track driving experience, have been cleared to solo, but haven't driven with GGR before. Please review our Guest Driver program to see if you meet our qualifications. Your registration will be wait listed while we review your request. You'll receive confirmation once approved.
- Drivers Who Require Instruction (Student): If you are new to track driving or are not yet certified by GGR, you will register as a Student. You will be provided in-car instruction with a trained PCA Instructor. Please note that Student registrations are wait listed at initial registration and are confirmed as our Instructor registrations meet the Student demand.
Ground School: Ground School will be Saturday, April 12, 2025, 10:00 am to approximately 1:00 pm at the Heather Farm Community Center Club Room located at 301 N. San Carlos Drive in Walnut Creek. Lunch will be provided.
At Track Orientation: Friday evening preceding the event (see event schedule for time). All are welcome!
Registration Fees:
Two Days (Sat/Sun) - $395.00
One Day (Saturday) - $295.00
Non-Driving Instructor - $0.00
Certified Drivers: For those of you who have completed at least two clean weekends with GGR.
Two Days (Sat/Sun) - $695.00
One Day (Sat or Sun) - $495.00
Approved Guest/Cleared to Solo (non PCA Certified) Drivers:
Two Days (Sat/Sun) - $695.00
One Day (Sat or Sun) - $495.00
Two Days (Sat/Sun) - $795.00
One Day (Sat or Sun) - $595.00
Paddock Camping:
Fee per night - $80.00
Saturday Night Dinner (at the track):
General Population - $35.00
Instructors - $0.00
Procrastination Fee:
Don't dawdle! The $100 procrastination fee goes into effect one week prior to the event.
Three Day Weekend!
Our friends at PCA Diablo Region are hosting their DE on Friday, April 25. Registration for Friday is here: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/pca-diablo-de-at-thunderhill-raceway-park-087569
Club Race Registration:
Registration for the PCA Club Racing portion of the weekend opens March 10 at: http://register.pca.org
Keep up to date! Sign up for the GGR announcements email list to insure you are receiving the latest information: http://www.pca-ggr.org/emails
Event requirements
Know the Rules: Rules and requirements about you and your Porsche can be found here on the GGR website. Please be up to speed on the rules before registering.
GGR Tech Form: The GGR Tech Form is available here. Please submit a completed tech form to pcaggrtracktech@gmail.com prior to arriving at the track.
2015 or later Snell SA Helmet Certification Required Porsche Club of America's HPDE minimum standards will allow the use of SA2015 helmets through February 28, 2026.
Head and Neck Restraint Requirements:
- SFI or FIA approved Head and Neck Restraints are required for all Drivers and Passengers in harness-equipped vehicles.
- The same type of restraint system (seats, belts or harnesses, head and neck restraints) is required for both driver and passenger.
- Harnesses are required to be SFI or FIA approved for competition and mounted in the manufacturer-approved configuration. Any harness approved for PCA Club Racing is acceptable when installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Head and Neck Restraints must be recertified every five (5) years to maintain SFI certification. An SFI 38.1 conformance sticker marked with the inspection date is required.
- If factory stock/DOT approved 3 point restraint systems (stock seat belts) are used, additional head and neck restraints are not required.
- GGR does not rent or provide helmets or head and neck restraint equipment. Participants must provide their own equipment if required.
Guest Driver / Student Waiver Policy: GGR considers you a student unless you've completed two clean events with us. If you are an experienced driver but this is your first event with GGR, please visit GGR's Guest Driver / Student Waiver Policy here. You are responsible for facilitation of the required endorsement. Please contact the Chief Driving Instructor at cdi@pca-ggr.org with any questions about the policy.
Paddock Camping:
Campers are confined to the paddock area and must comply with the following conditions:
- No entry to the track after hours. (Gates close at 12:00 midnight.)
- No open flame campfires or barbecues. Only gas grills used for cooking are allowed.
- No black or gray water dumping.
- No excess noise.
PCA - HPDE Insurance Program:
In June 2009, Porsche Club of America and Lockton Affinity announced the PCA - HPDE Insurance Program. This innovative program provides single-event physical damage coverage to PCA members who purchase the coverage through Lockton and attend High-Performance Driver's Education events. Over the past ten years many auto insurers have changed their policies to exclude coverage for claims "occurring on a surface used for racing," "at a high-performance driving event," or "use of an auto at a racetrack." You should review your existing auto insurance policy if you intend to rely on it for coverage.
Information on the PCA HPDE Insurance Program can be found here: http://pcahpdeins.locktonaffinity.com/Default.aspx
(This information is provided as a convenience to our members and should not be construed as an endorsement or as a representation as to what is or what is not covered.)
Coverage from other companies is available as well.
Permanent Reserved Numbers:
If you are a regular participant of our HPDE events, we encourage you to order a nice set of numbers for your beautiful Porsche. You will keep your number as long as you attend events regularly. If you don't attend an event in 24 months, your number will be made available to others if requested. Click here to see the numbers, if you find one that is not taken, email your desired number to: track@pca-ggr.org
Any questions?
Ask the Track Co-Chairs: track@pca-ggr.org
Ask the CDI: cdi@pca-ggr.org
Visit the Official Website: http://www.pca-ggr.org/track/events
See you at the track!
Jim McClelland
Scott Kalkin
Steve Hogge
Chief Driving Instructor