Sat, May 17 - Sun, May 18, 2025

PCASDR DE & Time Trial – Streets of Willow (CW)

Streets of Willow Springs

About this event

Porsche Club of America – San Diego Region welcomes you!

To make sign-up easier we’ve created a new class for DE participants. If your car is unmodified, you can select class DE1. In the DE1 class, you are not required to classify your car. If you have any questions email
For TT participants, please continue to use the classification site as normal: (

Join us for our 2025 trip to Southern California's favorite, short track: Streets of Willow Springs, Saturday & Sunday, May 16 & 17, running clockwise.  Autocrossers, DE'ers, and TT'ers alike know this is the track to work on your car control, so we expect a sellout.  Be sure to carefully read everything on both pages, before signing up so you aren't shut out!


2025 Fees
TT Drivers/Instructors (2 days, early bird) $500
TT Drivers/Instructors $550
TT Drivers/Instructors (1 day) $350
DE/TT Students (early bird) $600
DE/TT Students $650
Timed runs $30
Onsite tech $0
Transponder rental $30

This Streets of Willow Springs event features both a Driver's Ed (DE) and a Time Trial (TT), with separate run groups.  Run groups are allocated based upon supply and demand.  All spots are allocated first come, first served.  If you sign-up and a spot does not become available for you, you will not be charged.

Important information for signing-up (read and heed this carefully before registration opens if you really want to attend):

  • Due to very high expected demand, completing the online registration process DOES NOT mean you are Confirmed to attend the event
  • Sign-up correctly when registration first opens to maximize your chances of being Confirmed
  • To sign-up correctly, thoroughly read this information page and the next, follow all instructions (many of which need to be completed before registration opens), then carefully fill out the registration form on the third page once it becomes available
  • If you do not perform the steps that are required to be completed before you go on to register you will likely either not be able to complete registration before a sellout occurs or you will have an incomplete registration which will cause a loss of your registration priority based upon time of sign-up
  • Your credit card will not be charged when you sign-up (though the number will be collected)
  • You must monitor your e-mail regularly and be prepared to respond within 24 hours (8 hours the week of the event) to any inquiries you may receive or you will lose your priority
  • Plan to check your Dashboard on MotorsportReg about 2 weeks after registration opens to view your status  
  • Waitlist New means you are waitlisted and waiting for a space to open up
  • If you are Waitlist New, we do expect movement on the Waitlist as Confirmed participant cancellations occur

You may sign up for any one or both days (DE novice school Students signing up for only a single day must choose Saturday).  Two day entrants get priority, so if you are sure you'd like to attend, sign up for both days to increase your chances of being Confirmed.  The base price for this event (assumes early registration, no need to rent anything, etc.) is $500 for the weekend.  Student entrance fee starts at $600 for the weekend.  Track time per entrant is expected to be approximately 3 hours, and traffic is anticipated to be low so everyone should be able to get tons of flying laps.  Our $/hour ratio is among the lowest of any group, making it a great deal, especially when you factor in the quality aspect.  See the Payment section below for more info.

To register, you are required join the PCA - San Diego group on (note: this just means adding PCA - San Diego to your list of Clubs on MotorsportReg; it does not make you a member of PCA).  Regardless of which region of PCA you belong to or if you don't belong to PCA at all, you must join the SDR group on this web site (again, doing so will not make you a member of PCA).  This will be done as a step in the registration process.  Non-Porsches that meet our rules are welcome!!!

Physical Damage Insurance:  Insurance for your car is available for this event via Lockton Affinity, LLC, PCA's exclusively endorsed insurance provider.  Note that liability coverage is not included and Time Trial Timed Runs are now insurable for an additional charge.  This insurance is strictly optional.  Be sure to read all the fine print.  For more info click

Lap Times and Event Info on your Mobile Phone: You may sign-up for our mobile phone timing and notification system as part of your registration for this event.  For a Standard subscription (lap times for your car, notifications of postings for your run group, and important announcements), simply check the box that says you do not want a Custom subscription.  Even if you do not wish to take advantage of this service, you MUST have your mobile phone number on file with MotorsportReg in the Mobile/Cell field of your profile or your registration will not be processed.  Having your mobile number in any other field while leaving the Mobile/Cell field blank amounts to not having your mobile number in the system.  Again, your registration is not valid until this has been completed and others registering after you will be prioritized ahead of you.  To check or input this, sign in, then click the “My Account” tab, then click “My Profiles”, click on your name, then click “Edit My Information”.  Enter your mobile phone number into the field titled “Mobile/Cell” – even if you already have it in other fields – then click “Save My Information”.

Event Hotel: TownePlace Suites Lancaster 2024 West Avenue J 8, Lancaster, CA 93536.  Our special rate is $129 per night, and this rate expires on 02 May 2025.

Camping at the Track:  You may camp at the track Friday and Saturday nights.  Please call Willow Springs (661) 256-6666 to make arrangements.  There may be fees payable to the track in order to camp.

RV rentals:  If interested in an RV rental, try El Monte RV or Go RVing.

Late Registration:  You must register with credit card on file by 11:59 PM 02 May to receive the discounted online rate; after that a $50 late fee applies through 10 May.  Online registration closes at 11:59 PM 10 May, after which even higher registration fees apply (though space is unlikely to be available at that time).

Payment:  You MUST use a credit card to pay if registering online, VISA, MasterCard, Discover preferred, though we do accept AMEX.  For complete event pricing details proceed with registration steps.  You will have a chance to confirm (or abort) after you make your selections.  Your credit card will be charged AFTER the event.

Cancellation Fee:  There are potential fees associated with cancelling after various dates.  Please see the full cancellation policy at the bottom of the next page.

If you have a question about this event that is not answered on this page or the one that follows, please contact the Registrar at:

Event requirements

NOTE: If you have a Porsche, before continuing on to register you MUST first enter your car on the Zone 8 car classification website to determine your 2025 car class.  Even if you have previously classified your car in 2024, the rules have changed for 2025, and thus you must go to the above website, edit your car, re-examine all questions and answers, and click all the way through until you see and click on Finished to determine your proper 2025 class.  Special note for those running in SS classes: You must now attest to your SS classification on the Zone 8 car classification website.  You will need this info in order to register on the next page.  More information on how to do this is below.

Prior Experience:  Individuals without a Zone 8 Solo Permit (or approved equivalent) must have completed at least 8 Autocross and/or DE and/or Driving School days or equivalent over the past 24 months (minimum age of 18 years, valid state driver's license, and good mental and physical health also required) to sign up for the Time Trial. Your experience will be evaluated to determine if you qualify to participate in the Drivers Education or Time Trial.  Competitive Timed Runs are optional within the Time Trial, though all Time Trialers must have an AMB/MYLAPS Transponder on their car during practice regardless.

All uncredentialed drivers are considered to be Students and will be required to have an Instructor.  Also please note that there are clothing requirements and an approved Snell helmet is required.  Please contact the Registrar at least 2 weeks prior to the event for information on helmet rental if needed.  Experienced drivers new to SDR track events may also be required to have an Instructor until their competency has been demonstrated.

There will be a MANDATORY Zoom classroom session for all drivers wanting to participate in the DE School.  It will be held on Wednesday May 14th, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

TT'ers with qualifying credentials: no charge for Solo Permits!!!  TT Students without Zone 8 Student Log Books: please check the appropriate box to order one when you register.

You must classify your car using the 2025 Zone 8 Rules before you go on to register for this event.  If you plan to drive a Porsche in the event that was originally produced for the street, you must classify using the following website (even if you wish to run that Porsche in X class):  If you had previously determined and entered your class in 2024 or earlier and have made no changes to your car you must still revisit the above website and click through the edit process in order for the site to recalculate properly for 2025.  Note the resulting point totals and class and enter them when you register.

Non-Porsches (which must run in X class), or Porsches not originally produced for street use, must use the following spreadsheet to determine Performance Equipment Points:  Note the Performance Equipment point total and enter it when you register.

You must use the appropriate version of the above for your car BEFORE you click   Continue   below and begin to register as you are required to input the resulting information as part of the registration process.  If you register without doing the above your registration will not be considered complete and you will be placed On Hold.  If corrections need to be made by the registration team you will be charged a $25 admin fee per occurrence.  If you do not complete the above until after a price increase has occurred you will be required to pay the higher price.  Additionally, we reserve the right to accept others whose registrations are complete while you are On Hold, which could land you on the Waitlist once your hold is resolved.  Bottom line: follow the above instructions in the proper order to maximize your chances of participating!

Pre-tech is ENCOURAGED!  Take your car to an approved shop to have it inspected prior to this event.  With two full days of our high track time event in the low desert, you will want to be safe and have your car make it through the weekend.  Plus you'll want to be certain that, before you leave for the track, you and your car have any required safety equipment (Stock and Street Stock coupes generally need no additional safety equipment, but see the Rules link below to be sure that you qualify).  All entrants pre-teching must present a current Tech Inspection Form with name, address, phone, car, class, etc. to a qualified tech inspection shop.  The form can be found at: Current Tech FormThe tech form must have a date in the lower right corner of at least Dec 15, 2024.  Do not use any older form as only the most recent form will be accepted and if you present the wrong form you will need to re-tech.  Better yet, use our automated tech form printer, available after you classify your car on the Zone 8 classification site (see above paragraph).  Cars inspected by shops not personally known to the Registrar are subject to random on-site re-inspection.

Tech at-track is available Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.  Tech inspection volunteers offer this service for free, and it is provided to ease the burden on some drivers without easy access to a qualified shop.  If you failed your at-track tech inspection, you will NOT be allowed to drive and you will also be potentially responsible for the full event registration fee.  This option is inherently risky so we strongly recommend that you get a pre-tech which allows your mechanic to catch different issues and resolve them in advance.

This event will run under PCA Zone 8 Driving Rules for 2025 which can be found here: Zone 8 Driving Event Rules

If there are any changes to your registration data after the online registration deadline, you need to notify the Registrar by the day of the event BEFORE the first run session.  If you know you will have a change after you sign-up, it is greatly appreciated if the information can be provided to the Registrar by the Saturday prior to the event.  Doing this will save you time at the track.

All entrants and guests shall be required to sign the PCA waiver upon registering at the track.  This is in addition to any waiver that the track itself may require you to sign.  You are responsible for your guests and may be asked to leave the event if your guests are found to have not signed the PCA waiver.

The track may charge its own separate nominal entrance fee.  This fee does not go to PCA-SDR and is beyond our control.

Transponders: If you have an AMB/MYLAPS Transponder, be sure you've entered the number under "My Account."  (Hint: you do this where you edit your vehicle information.)  Enter your transponder number into the field titled “Transponder Number”.  If you don't have a Transponder, they are available for rent.  You must have a qualifying Transponder to drive in the Time Trial.  Alternatively you may borrow one from someone who is NOT participating in the event or purchase your own.  If you utilize one of these alternatives you must provide the serial number (transponder number) by one week prior to the event.  Usage of only a single Transponder is preferred for those sharing a car.  Transponder is not required for DE registrants.

Cancellation Policy: In the event of a driver’s cancellation within 2 weeks of an event, the Club reserves the right to retain a percentage of the driver’s base registration fee if the Club, in its sole discretion, determines that weather forecasts from any source may have had an adverse impact on registered driver cancellations (regardless of the stated reason for any cancellation).  In such cases, the Club will retain only that percentage of the driver’s base registration fee necessary so that the Club at most breaks even for that event.  Translation: If there’s no rain or extreme heat/cold in the forecast at any time during the 2 weeks prior to an event, you may cancel in writing at any time for any reason up to the time the green flag drops.  If there is rain or extreme heat/cold in the forecast and you cancel during this time, the Club may keep some of your base registration fee, but only enough so that the Club does not lose money on the event.  If other non-cancelled drivers put the Club in the black for that event, you will not be charged for cancelling.

Entries (1)

Eric Marc-Aurele

Streets of Willow Springs

Rosamond, CA


Combined organized by

PCA - San Diego Region

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PCASDR DE & Time Trial – Streets of Willow (CW)

Sat, May 17 - Sun, May 18, 2025